



  • LLB (Hons) Singapore Management University
  • Called to Singapore Bar: 2022
"Work hard in silence, let your success be the noise."
- Frank Ocean

More About Sonia Elizabeth Rajendra

Sonia graduated from Singapore Management University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and was admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Singapore Bar in 2022.

Prior to becoming an associate at the firm, Sonia trained at the firm and has been involved in a spectrum of commercial litigation and arbitration matters with a particular focus on shipping and admiralty disputes.

Sonia has experience in the field of commercial dispute resolution and is part of the shipping and admiralty team at JTJB. Her notable transactions include:

  • Advising and acting for a state-owned multinational corporation in defending a cargo misdelivery claim brought by a financing bank with a claim value of over US$65 million.
  • Advising and acting for the judicial managers and liquidators of Xihe Holdings and Xihe Capital on various shipping matters, following the collapse of Hin Leong Trading and Ocean Tankers (Pte) Ltd.

She also has been involved in the following matters:

  • Acted a Marshall Island company to resist a security for costs application in its claim for conversion of marine equipment and the defendants have a related counterclaim for breach of contractual representations to ownership of the equipment: Cova Group Holdings 𝘓𝘵𝘥 𝘷 Advanced Submarine Networks Pte Ltd 𝘢𝘯𝘥 Anor [2023] SGHC 178
  • Acted for a former director of a company in liquidation to defend a claim for return of the investment sum of the former shareholder on the basis that a convertible loan was entered into instead and for total failure of consideration: Lim Chee Seng v Phang Yew Kiat [2024] SGHC 100 (appeal), [2023] SGDC 218 (trial)
  • Acted for a judicial manager-liquidator of a prominent Singaporean bunkering company relating to the effect of admiralty claims by foreign banks and the duties of a judicial manager relating to the sale proceeds of affected vessels of the insolvent companies amounting to USD 16 million: Natixis, Singapore Branch v Seshadri Rajagopalan and others and other matters [2024] SGHC 113.
